J. Geršl, A. Niemann, H. Bissig, E. Batista, H. Kjeldsen, O. Büker, K. Stolt, E. Graham, S.H. Lee, J. Afonso, M. Benková, S. Knotek, M. Zagnoni, R. Vroman, J. Schroeter
Testing micro-flow devices for medical applications
Almost every medical department at hospitals all around the world uses infusion devices to administrate fluids, nutrition, and medications to patients for the treatment of numerous different diseases and ailments. Depending on the intended use of the equipment e.g., if it is used for anaesthesia of adults or for medical treatment of premature infants, the accuracy of the equipment can be more or less important. A well-defined metrological infrastructure can help to ensure that infusion devices function properly and are as accurate as needed for their use. However, to establish a metrological infrastructure an appropriated knowledge about infusion devices in use is necessary that enables calibration and testing procedures to be properly defined. This paper summarises the results of various tests conducted with three types of devices – a syringe pump, an infusion device analyser and an insulin pump